Mazda Endorses 2025 White House Fuel Deal

Fuel economy standards image

Mazda has joined a number of other automakers in endorsing a White House plan to hike fuel efficiency requirements to 54.5 mpg by 2025. Although the automaker originally had reservations about the plan, Mazda has since reversed course and now supports the proposal.

“We have done a further evaluation of the CAFE proposal and this morning informed the White House that we can now support the proposal,” said Barbara Nocera, Mazda’s director of government affairs last week.

The White House originally wanted 56.2 mpg by 2025, but adjusted the proposal and added more credits to appease automakers. Credits will be available for air conditioning improvements, as well as advanced grilles and solar roof cells.

The White House and California will unveil formal proposals by the end of September. The proposed deal would essentially expand a May 2009 agreement that boosted fuel efficiency standards to 34.1 mpg by 2016, costing the auto industry $51.5 billion over five years.

Reblogged from Mazda in the

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